Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Teaching Tools on Your Time - Hands-on Service

We're doing something different with our training series for the rest of the semester. Instead of offering a specific training, the NCS librarians are offering our hands-on service!

Have you wanted to use new technology in your classroom or on Moodle, but haven't had the time?

Just ask a librarian! We're here to help you do any of the technology tasks you don't have the time for.

Let us help you:
  • research specific technologies specific to your curriculum
  • upload documents to Moodle
  • find video or images for a PowerPoint presentation 
  • post slideshows online
  • download youtube videos and edit them into new sequences
  • try to do anything else you can think of!

Schedule a Training

To set up a time for training, email Chip Chase and list your available times. We are still training users on Glogster, Voicethread, Google Earth, and Jing, so if you'd like to learn how to use those resources, let us know.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Author Siobhan Vivian Visits NCS Via Skype

On Tuesday, November 16, the 7th and 8th grade classes were visited by author Siobhan Vivian via Skype.  Ms. Vivian is the author of A Little Friendly Advice, Not That Kind of Girl, and NCS Book Club selection, Same Difference.

During the skype interview, students were able to listen to Ms. Vivian talk about her writing process, her inspirations, and her recommendations to students.  Students were also able to ask questions.

For more information about Siobhan Vivian, visit her website, or check out one of her books from the library!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Jing for Screencapturing - The New Training for "Teaching Tools on Your Time"

As part of the NCS Library’s "Teaching Tools on Your Time" series, we are hosting a new Alternative Presentation Tools training session on Jing, an easy-to-use screen-capturing tool.

How Can Jing Be Used in the Classroom

Make your presentations pop by adding screenshots to enhance understanding of complicated processes or software instructions.  Screenshots are perfect for visual learners who need to see something to understand how it works.

Jing allows you to easily capture images or video.  When capturing images, you can easily annotate your images with arrows and text boxes and highlights.  Create an annotated screenshot in seconds!

Schedule a Training

To set up a time for training, email Chip Chase and list your available times. We are still training users on GlogsterVoicethread and Google Earth, so if you'd like to learn how to use those resources, let us know.

Also, if there is a specific technology tool that you would like to implement in your classroom, but not covered in our Teaching Tools on Your Time website, please let us know and we'd be glad to help provide training for you or your students.

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