The characters in these novels are full of the kind of energy that one would hope to find every day. Young women, who go out, seek the world, venture into the unknown have proved to be genuine, intricate, strong women. As a woman, with two daughters, I would only hope that the kind of excitement and intricately fascinating details portrayed in these novels will be available to each and every one of us.
As females, young and old, we balance on a fine line of feeling strength and weakness, confidence and insecurity, intrigue and promiscuity, and these characters give us the right to cheer for the aggressive, stubborn, type-a personalities, but to also connect to the anguish they feel when their heart is broken.
Hooray for the REAL heroines – people who wear dresses, save princesses, tame dragons, and fall in love.
In Graceling, by Kristin Cashore, the heroine chose her life and love, while helping the country fight an evil mastermind. Also, a pillar of strength was the young girl who chose to escape her fate, avoid prison because she was female, protect one sister while saving another from death, and rode off on a dragon in Shadow of the Dragon, by Kate O’Hearn.