Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Feast on Some Good Food and Good Books This Thanksgiving!

For many of us, finding time to read for fun is a nearly impossible feat while school is in session.  Between classes, preparation for classes, athletic and artistic activities, and social time with friends, where is the time left to sit down and read something of our choice purely for fun? And at this point in the term, when the stress is really starting to get to everyone, a good book could be a great way to refocus, relax, or escape.  Thankfully, this is also the time in the term when we all get a little break! Ideally, Thanksgiving is a time when we get to refuel our bodies, our souls, and our minds.  We share good food and conversation with family and friends.  We spend time with people we love.  And, if we chose, we can sit down and curl up with a new book.  

So, as our Thanksgiving gift to all of you, here is your librarians'
 Thanksgiving book recommendations list for 2011!      

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